Lori Bodner

Sloan Awards for Excellence in Teaching Science and Mathematics • 2019

Title and Organization Algebra II, AP Calculus BC, Brooklyn Technical High School


Ms. Bodner teaches at NYC’s largest high school, Brooklyn Tech, where she has redefined rigor in the classroom and created a culture that is exciting and demanding in equal measure. From the moment she joined Brooklyn Tech, she has helped transform it. Her students emerge both as masters of content and as mathematicians. A former student says, “Math is daunting. But she was just so excited about it when she was teaching it. She gave me a real love of math and the courage and confidence to pursue it.” Her influence goes beyond Brooklyn Tech. She contributes to calculus textbooks, creates videos for DeltaMath, developed a platform where 100-plus calculus teachers can find lessons and problems, and has run professional development for hundreds of teachers. It is not just her passion, however, that distinguishes her, it is also her concern for her students. One student who missed class because of family illness relates, “Ms. Bodner called and email me often and then spent hours after school tutoring me. I worked so hard because she cared so much.”

Lori Bodner