Rachel Mancini

Sloan Awards for Excellence in Teaching Science and Mathematics • 2019

Title and Organization AP Chemistry, Regents Chemistry, Tottenville High School


Rachel Mancini is a star chemistry teacher at Tottenville High School on Staten Island, which has 3700 students. She attended high school here, where her father has taught chemistry for the last 18 years of his 31 year teaching career. Her natural aptitude for science and leadership were obvious even then. An assistant principal remembers thinking, “If Rachel ever decides to teach, we need to hire her.” After college, Ms. Mancini returned to Tottenville to teach chemistry and was soon recognized as a “once-in-a-generation teacher.” Successful outcomes are commonplace for Ms. Mancini’s students, who may start the year dreading chemistry but grow to love the subject because her classes are interactive, challenging, and rewarding. Ms. Mancini also has a keen ability to reach all of her students. A parent of a special-needs student notes, “Ms. Mancini taught completely personalized lessons to my daughter. She’s a mentor and will go above and beyond to see students succeed.”

Rachel Mancini