Aristides Julmarx Galdones Uy

Sloan Awards for Excellence in Teaching Science and Mathematics • 2014

Title and Organization Algebra, Pre-Calculus, Geometry, International Community High School


A brilliant mathematician, originally from the Philippines, Aristides Uy could have taught at a specialized school. Wanting to have the greatest impact, however, he chose the International Community High School (ICHS) in the South Bronx, where all the students are recent immigrants. Compassionate and patient, Mr. Uy combines a highly structured, but participatory, classroom approach with innovative, hands-on projects. He built a unit on the “Jeepney” commuter system in the Philippines; another had students design and construct, with goggles and blowtorches, a plumbing system. A former student, now in college, says, “He lives his job and lives for his students, and because of that, he became the role model I needed. I owe him everything.”