Leah Barazani

Community Planning Fellow • 2024

University/College Hunter College


Leah Barazani is pursuing a Master’s degree in Urban Planning at CUNY Hunter College. She earned a B.A. in Environmental Studies from Colorado College. Leah’s interests lie in how thoughtful, forward-thinking, and responsive planning can address gaps in resiliency, environmental justice, and climate justice. Specifically, her academic work focuses on land use, infrastructure, and questions of urban governance and the structures that shape the physical and social urban environment. Leah is particularly interested in the question, “Who has a right to the city?” and how this inquiry can inform the process of adapting to a rapidly changing climate and urban landscape. Her research areas include geography, democratization of public space, urban history, infrastructure, public and social housing, tenants’ rights, and food justice. Her previous research has examined climate policies in southwestern cities, focusing on transportation infrastructure and how shifts in governance and policymaking influence infrastructure development. Additionally, Leah has explored historical housing models as alternative solutions for contemporary housing challenges.