Aida Rosenbaum

Sloan Awards for Excellence in Teaching Science and Mathematics • 2019

Title and Organization Regents Earth Science, AP Environmental Science, Bronx Latin School


A graduate of Bronx High School of Science and Mount Holyoke College with experience working at the Biosphere 2 in Arizona, Aida Rosenbaum decided to become a teacher 16 years ago as matter of social justice. Since Ms. Rosenbaum arrived at Bronx Latin four years ago, she has transformed the school’s science department with over 90 percent of all students passing the Regents earth science exam. But of equal importance to her is helping her students know themselves. She teaches them how to explore their values, worldviews, and aspirations. She does this as one 25 teachers nationwide selected to teach the QUESTion project. A current senior at Bronx Latin says, “Ms. Rosenbaum didn’t just prepare me for college, she prepared me for my future. And not just me. She makes all her students think about what really matters. What is going to make us happy and proud to have done something worthwhile with our lives?”

Aida Rosenbaum