Candy Rodriguez

Sloan Public Service Awards • 2019

Title and Organization School Safety Agent, Joan of Arc Public School Complex, New York Police Department


Candy Rodriguez has been a School Safety Agent for 43 years in the same school complex on Manhattan’s Upper West Side. She is beloved by generations of neighborhood families. From day one, she got to know the students, learned how to head off fights, and collaborated with staff to change the culture of the school. She is singled out for her leadership skills, strong work ethic, and remarkable rapport with everyone. Says Principal Brian Zager, “When it’s about business, Candy is all about business. She’s an amazingly powerful presence. She’s about 5’3″ tall, but she can give the impression she is 6’4″.” Several people have observed that parents love her, kids love her, and staff love her. She has a personal interaction, complete with an inside joke and a huge smile for every child who walks by her station. And, at the end of day, there is always a long line of students who won’t leave without a hug from Candy. The school is one of the safest in the city.