David Piersante

Sloan Public Service Awards • 2018

Title and Organization Director of Eligibility, HIV/AIDS Services Administration DSS/HRA Special Services, NYC Human Resources Administration


In 1985, the City created the HIV/AIDS Services Administration (HASA) to help people with HIV/AIDS get emergency financial and housing services. David Piersante joined HASA in 1989 as an entry-level case manager; in 2013 he was named to his current position as the Director of Eligibility. In this capacity he oversees the Agency’s Intake Office and provides support and assistance to the 12 field offices throughout the City. HASA provides case management services for 33,700 cases, most of whom have limited resources. Mr. Piersante receives accolades for his expertise, experience and commitment from staff, clients and the larger HIV community. As he says, “I have been committed to this agency and the people it serves and I am in it for the long haul.”