Diana C. Lennon

Sloan Awards for Excellence in Teaching Science and Mathematics • 2016

Title and Organization AP Environmental Science, Regents Chemistry, Earth Science, Columbia Secondary School for Mathematics, Science and Engineering


Diana Lennon is known for her rigorous teaching and innovative projects. Although her in-class assignments are considered to be among the school’s most original, students and faculty alike point to Mrs. Lennon’s projects that take students outside the school’s walls as the true highlights of her classes. Principal Miriam Nightengale comments, “In Diana’s courses, students are given the tools to participate in science as a discipline. Her projects reflect how Diana prepares our students for pursuing careers in science.” A colleague adds, “Diana is a phenomenal educator who knows how to create socially responsible science students.” According to a former student, “Mrs. Lennon’s classroom was a laboratory of discovery. The world of science opened up for me there.”