Eliza M. Kuberska

Sloan Awards for Excellence in Teaching Science and Mathematics • 2011

Title and Organization Algebra II/Geometry, AP Statistics, Problem Solving, Hunter College High School


Eliza Kuberska has loved math ever since growing up in a disciplined and intensely intellectual family in Poland. She is known at Hunter College High School, where she has been teaching for six years, for her challenging but instructive problem sets, hours of dedicated extra help sessions, and leadership of the powerhouse Junior/Senior Math Team.She discovered that even in a school with a 99 percent graduation rate, where 25 percent of graduates attend an Ivy League college, students have an aversion to taking risks and give up when a problem appears too difficult. Instead of shying away, she challenges her students to take on increasingly complex problems and sees it as her mission to jolt her students out of their high level academic complacency. And, in a world in which only one in seven professional mathematicians is female, Kuberska pays close attention to her female students, always keeping them confident, curious and involved.Her great strength as a teacher is that she loves math and she loves her kids,” said a colleague. “With her enthusiasm, she gets kids to love mathematics. The raw energy is