Eloise N. Thompson

Sloan Awards for Excellence in Teaching Science and Mathematics • 2013

Title and Organization Algebra, Pre-Calculus, Statistics, DeWitt Clinton High School


DeWitt Clinton High School in the Moshoulu section of the Bronx has had a difficult recent history, slated to be closed in 2012, but then given a reprieve. Eloise N. Thompson, the youngest of 14 children, was born in Jamaica and moved to the Bronx when she was seven. Having attended Bronx public schools she is well prepared to understand the challenges her students face. Holding herself to the same high standards she demands of her students, she devotes prep periods, lunch, and hours before and after school tutoring students. With her gifts for personally connecting with students, Ms. Thompson performs wonders in the classroom. Says a colleague, “Eloise is always expecting the best work possible of all students and doing what’s necessary to help them do it.”