Fredrick Nelson

Sloan Awards for Excellence in Teaching Science and Mathematics • 2009

Title and Organization Integrated Algebra, Geometry, Pre-Calculus, Calculus, Wings Academy


Raised in Jamaica, Fredrick Nelson credits his mother with teaching the determination, hard work, and self-sacrifice that he put to use while earning degrees from the University of the West Indies and City College.Mr. Nelson came to Wings Academy six years ago and immediately began imparting his vision: mathematics is a language, and to speak it makes understanding technology and successful careers possible. Famous for detailed, careful preparation, he always aims to help students realize that they can solve problems themselves. These “eureka moments” create confidence, empower students, and build student-teacher loyalty – inspiring joy and engagement.Infectious enthusiasm and confidence-building, with careful attention to skill-development, continually impacts Mr. Nelson’s students.He has a great way of helping us understand,” says one student. “After taking his class, I want to be a math professor.”