Gustavo Gonçalves

Sloan Awards for Excellence in Teaching Science and Mathematics • 2015

Title and Organization AP Calculus, Pre-Calculus, Math Foundations, Algebra II/Trigonometry, Geometry, Discrete Math, Eleanor Roosevelt High School


Gustavo Gonçalves strives to share his love for the beauty of mathematics in his classroom. Through his distinct passion for the subject and his democratic approach to teaching that emphasizes the centrality of the student, Mr. Gonçalves has garnered an impressive 4.75 average on the AP Calculus AB exam. To ensure that all students enter 10th grade with a proper background in Integrated Algebra, he created a Math Foundations course to allow for cohesive learning for freshman arriving from different middle schools. Says one colleague, who has taught mathematics for 32 years, “I have learned more about teaching from working with him and observing his teaching than I have from any other teacher in my career.”