Henry D. Perahia

Sloan Public Service Awards • 2011

Title and Organization Chief Bridge Officer, New York City Department of Transportation


Henry Perahia has spent nearly three decades as a highly regarded engineer, revered for his technical acumen and problem solving ability. As Chief Bridge Officer, a position he has held since 1999, Mr. Perahia is responsible for the planning and administration of all aspects of design, construction and maintenance of approximately 850 City-owned bridges, tunnels, and culverts.In 1988, more than 65 of the New York City’s bridges were reported to be substandard. Today, the number is four—and each is currently under repair. Mr. Perahia implemented programs that have led to the significant reduction in the number of ailing structures. Though he prefers to share credit for the ambitious bridge rehabilitation program, Wilbur Chapman, former Commissioner of DOT, differs, saying: “The success of that initiative was solely the result of the dedication, intelligence and management skills of Henry Perahia.” According to Russell Holcomb, Deputy Chief Engineer, Bridge Maintenance, Inspection & Operations, Mr. Perahia is even tempered and thorough, though he adds, “Among the few things that upset him is when someone suggests a quick fix that will become someone else’s problem down the road. He possesses a long term look on his work. His mindset is to build for the ages.”When asked which bridge is his favorite, Mr. Perahia demurs. While he greatly admires the structure and beauty of the Brooklyn Bridge, he insists that “all the bridges—they are all my children.”