Joseph Danquah

Sloan Awards for Excellence in Teaching Science and Mathematics • 2015

Title and Organization AP Calculus AB & BC, Integrated Algebra, Pre-Calculus, Geometry, Bard High School Early College, Manhattan


Joseph Danquah’s main goal is to encourage students to think about math in ways that are not only relevant to their daily lives, but as a conceptual framework built off critical thinking and logic. The rigor of his classroom, and his renowned tutoring and summer “boot camp” sessions, allowed his former students at DeWitt Clinton High School to excel on the AP Calculus exam and pursue careers in math and science after graduation. Now teaching at Bard High School Early College, Mr. Danquah is already having a profound effect on students. Says Principal Michael Lerner, “Joseph is a mathematics instructor that is almost too good to be true. He mixes his generosity and willingness to work with students at any time with a remarkable mathematical skill and unparalleled work ethic.”