Kathleen Hughes

Sloan Public Service Awards • 2014

Title and Organization Assistant Commissioner for Program Services, Department of Cultural Affairs


Assistant Commissioner for Program Services, Kathleen Hughes, oversees the allocation of the more than $32 million per year the City’s Department of Cultural Affairs awards to almost 900 cultural organizations—theaters, dance companies, orchestras, chamber groups, museums and film projects – in every neighborhood and borough. Says one arts expert, “I’ve never seen any public servant who cares so much and works so hard. Kathi’s responsible for more money coming to DCA and more institutions getting funding. She’s the heart and soul of the agency.” The signature accomplishment of Hughes in recent years has been streamlining and making the process more transparent and equitable: applications are on-line, groups are counseled throughout the process; a competitive review panel of arts peers is assembled; and the process is clear and rigorous. One reason that it works so well is that Hughes and her team visit these organizations and are familiar with their operations, finances, boards, and artistic staff. “She is so dedicated to getting out there and supporting the medium and small-sized art groups. With Kathi, you do not have to search for that supportive voice in City government. She finds you,” says one DCA grantee. “She understands the particular needs of each arts organization and their value to their New York neighborhoods. She finds as many ways as possible to assist them,” says one DCA staffer. Hughes has also played a lead role in assisting organizations through structural change and crisis, and her leadership has influenced countless arts professionals at the Agency and beyond. More than anything, Hughes understands how the arts can underwrite an enhanced quality of life for New Yorkers. As one colleague says, “Anyone drawn to the city because of its culture has Kathi to thank.”