Lauren Brady

Sloan Awards for Excellence in Teaching Science and Mathematics • 2014

Title and Organization Integrated Algebra, AIS Instruction for Integrated Algebra, College Statistics, Park East High School


When Lauren Brady arrived at Park East High School in 2005, the school was on a “watch” list because of low passing rates on required Regents Exams, including math. Ms. Brady’s approach to teaching helped transform the school. In her first year, the passing rate on the Algebra Regents doubled; last year, 98 percent of freshman passed. This achievement allows students to take advanced classes such as AP Calculus or College Statistics, a course designed by Ms. Brady. Says an assistant principal, “Ms. Brady is by far the strongest, most effective teacher in terms of relationships and student outcomes I have ever seen.” Adds a student, “Ms. Brady helped me realize I didn’t just like Math; I love it and want to make it my career.”