Martina Gately

Sloan Awards for Excellence in Teaching Science and Mathematics • 2017

Title and Organization Algebra 1, James Madison High School


A math teacher in dublin, Martina Gately came to NYC in 2002, planning to stay only a short time. She was hired to teach math at James Madison HS in Brooklyn, a large high school with 4,000 students. After six months she knew she had found a perfect fit and has been there ever since. “Her classroom is simply magical,” says Principal Jodie Cohen, ” Students undergo transformations from shy, quiet, and shakily-confident to active, confident and able mathematiciams.” Notes John Wolfe, AP for Moath, “Martina is a stand out, from her ability to reach students, to her openness as a department commaborator, to the way she is willing to try new things as an educator.” A former student, Steven Herbst, who now teaches chemistry at James Madison, says, “I want to be the kind of life-changing teacher for my students that Ms. Gately was for me.”