Megan Driscoll Berdugo

Sloan Awards for Excellence in Teaching Science and Mathematics • 2014

Title and Organization Algebra, Geometry, College-Level Calculus, Brooklyn International High School


Brooklyn International is home to students from around the world, whose educational backgrounds vary greatly and who speak 35 languages. Ms. Berdugo excels at creating unique lessons for each student, ensuring they all master the concepts and learn presentation and writing skills. According to a colleague, “Magic happens in Megan’s class. Students do their own personalized lessons and yet they develop mathematical strengths simultaneously.” Ms. Berdugo supports her students beyond high school. When a former student had difficulty with Calculus in college, Ms. Berdugo began teaching a Calculus course for college credit on her own time. Says one student, “Nothing seems frightening in the classroom or in our lives because she supports us.”