Michael P. Klimetz

Sloan Awards for Excellence in Teaching Science and Mathematics • 2009

Title and Organization Earth Science, Physics, AP Physics, Material Science, Geology, John Dewey High School


Michael Klimetz says that from his father, a civil engineer, he imbibed a respect for measurement and quantitative analysis.Like his father, Mr. Klimetz went to City College, and then entered a doctoral program at SUNY Albany and Rutgers. After challenging conventional wisdom on Southeast Asian plate tectonics – research that derailed a university career but that was eventually validated – he responded to an ad and ended up at John Dewey, where he has been teaching for the last 14 years.His award-winning students consistently mention his resource-rich web site, eight tons of rock specimens, and 45,000 scientific volumes. Colleagues praise the time he spends preparing hands-on experiments, how hard he works to adjust his methods of explanation, and his focus on creating a comfortable environment where students can learn and exercise critical inquiry.A former student summarized it best when he stated that Mr. Klimetz “observes, listens, and answers every student.”