Naoual Eljastimi

Sloan Awards for Excellence in Teaching Science and Mathematics • 2012

Title and Organization Chemistry, AP Chemistry, Leon M. Goldstein High School for the Sciences


If you think chemistry is a dry subject, you’d do well to spend a day in Naoul Eljastimi’s Chemistry class. Lessons are brimming with visuals, hands-on demonstrations, interactive assignments, a strategy designed to appeal to high performing students and to those struggling with learning disabilities. “Students beg to be put into her class,” a class advisor admits. Ms. Eljastimi is a tireless advocate for bringing the love of science to the entire student body, founding the Chemistry Bowl and Science Olympiad, and overseeing the student-produced “Science Corner” in the school newspaper. “She’s a wizard,” says one student. “I was unsure what I wanted to study, but after Ms. Eljastimi’s class I know I want to study science.”