Terrence McKiernan

Sloan Awards for Excellence in Teaching Science and Mathematics • 2018

Title and Organization AP Biology, AP Environmental Science, PBAT Environmental Science, The Laboratory School of Finance & Technology


Mr. McKiernan is recognized as a brilliant teacher, a curriculum innovator, a caring colleague, and a person dedicated to his students’ success. He says, “I am so fortunate to be a teacher. Every day I see young people who may not start out with many advantages make it. They grow to be educated, self-directed, passionate human beings who are committed to their families and their community. Every day it is an absolute thrill.” In all his classes, McKiernan works to find the intersections among science, ecology, economics, civil rights and equity. Topics have included insecticides, hydro-fracking, water pollution, acid rain, among others. According to Ramon Gonzales, Principal of the Lab School. “He is an incredible teacher. He’s the kind of teacher you build a school around. He’s who you want to work with.”