Mateo Alexander

Community Planning Fellow • 2024

University/College Columbia University


Mateo Alexander is pursuing a Master’s Degree in Urban Planning with an Urban Analytics concentration at Columbia University. Originally from Rochester, New York, he graduated from the Rochester Institute of Technology with a BS degree in Individualized Studies. Mateo is passionate about urban planning and the built environment, focusing on smart cities, urban analytics, future city development, and supporting underrepresented communities. He is particularly interested in using generative artificial intelligence and parametric modeling to co-design public spaces that promote inclusive economic development, neighborhood revitalization, and public space activation. Mateo is the Region I Chair for the American Planning Association (APA) Student Representative Council and the Social Media Coordinator for the APA Technology Division. In the future, Mateo envisions himself as a professor, research center principal investigator, and owner of an urban planning consulting firm and a development firm. In his free time, he enjoys playing soccer and traveling.