Sonia Uthuph

Community Planning Fellow • 2024

University/College City College


Sonia Uthuph is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Landscape Architecture at The City College of New York. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from The University of Texas, with a focus on social and educational psychology. Sonia recognizes the vital role public spaces play in enhancing both physical and social well-being. She is wholeheartedly committed to creating environments that uplift the working class and marginalized communities, fostering trust among diverse groups despite the challenges posed by an increasingly privatized and militarized society. Sonia envisions a greener, more equitable world that benefits both humans and non-human animals. She advocates for greater investment in public transportation and recreational spaces for all ages. Sonia loves libraries and bookstores and likes to provide excellent book recommendations. In her free time, she enjoys people-watching at parks, visiting bodies of water, dancing, kickboxing, and watching bad movies with friends.