
David Guzman

…came up, because every staff member, from doctors to nurses to admins, knew that he respected and understood their work.” In 2015, Mr. Guzman was recruited to become the Deputy…

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Pauline Baratta

…connect with all students and achieve impressive results. Not deterred by uninspiring textbooks, she engages students with examples from history, animated television shows, billiards and beyond. She breaks down the…

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Bianca Brandon

…Department of Forensic Biology in the NYC Chief Medical Examiner’s Office before joining Staten Island Tech in 2005. There she has taught AP Biology and the Living Environment as well…

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Jenniffer Cordi, PhD

In her classes, Jennifer Cordi fosters scientific thinking and the scientific method by creating sustained and structured field projects. For example, her students study the East River ecosystem—collecting plants and…

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Jed Higdon

…and a second major in Geography. Jed’s past research projects have examined fleet electrification, street pedestrianization, and green infrastructure interventions for storm water management. He is particularly interested in understanding…

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Gustavo Gonรงalves

…the centrality of the student, Mr. Gonçalves has garnered an impressive 4.75 average on the AP Calculus AB exam. To ensure that all students enter 10th grade with a proper…

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Joseph Danquah

…the AP Calculus exam and pursue careers in math and science after graduation. Now teaching at Bard High School Early College, Mr. Danquah is already having a profound effect on…

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Patrick Callahan

When Patrick Callahan arrived at The Bronx Center for Science and Mathematics in 2012, the only science course the school offered not tied to a Regents Exam was AP Biology….

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Elisa Margarita

Growing up in a nearby hamlet of Commack, surrounded by the area’s many nature preserves, hiking trails, and beaches, Dr. Margarita developed a strong zeal and appreciation for the environment…

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Padma Paramananda

…the city-wide 2019 VEX Robotics Competition. His student champions, who built their reputation from scratch have a remarkable role model in Mr. Paramananda. He and his family fled from war-torn…

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