
Dorina Cheregi

…a gateway school for newly arrived immigrant teenagers from all over the world. For over 17 years, Ms. Cheregi’s exacting standards, compassionate style, and hours of preparation have produced enviable…

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Sabaa Zickria-Daly

…understanding of math, as well as important life experience.Known for her creative approach to education, colleagues praise Ms. Zickria-Daly for her ability to make complex mathematics relevant to the everyday…

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Maria Elizabeth A. Dela Cruz

…like Ms. Dela Cruz who can teach beyond an exam and get students to see math at its conceptual core. Calculus III in college was easy compared to the work…

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Neal Lutchme Singh

…Science. Mr. Singh completely redesigned the curriculum. Outside speakers are a regular fixture in his classes, with appearances by conservationists, environmental lawyers, filmmakers, and nutritionists. Emphasis is placed on the…

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C. Anthony Finney

…learning botany, they are mastering a new vocabulary through scientific discovery. Roots absorb. Stems transport. Flowers attract. Work is carried out in teams composed of students of different ethnicities –…

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News & Perspectives

April 2nd, 2024: Inspirame Latina Foundation Panel

The Inspirame Latina Foundation warmly invites women in leadership to come together on April 2nd for an empowering session on conquering imposter syndrome and embracing your true potential. This is…

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Elisa Margarita

Growing up in a nearby hamlet of Commack, surrounded by the area’s many nature preserves, hiking trails, and beaches, Dr. Margarita developed a strong zeal and appreciation for the environment…

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Martina Gately

…from her ability to reach students, to her openness as a department commaborator, to the way she is willing to try new things as an educator.” A former student, Steven…

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News & Perspectives

Fund President Dr. Lisette Nieves Named in City & State NY’s Nonprofit Power 100

Nonprofit organizations provide an important, but sometimes unacknowledged role in local communities. The Nonprofit Power 100, a partnership between City & State and its sister journal, New York Nonprofit Media,…

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Henry D. Perahia

…the significant reduction in the number of ailing structures. Though he prefers to share credit for the ambitious bridge rehabilitation program, Wilbur Chapman, former Commissioner of DOT, differs, saying: “The…

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Deirdre DeAngelis-D’Alessio

…school into eight “smaller learning communities,” her pioneering work in the inclusion of special education students in the general school population, and her unwavering focus on strengthening students’ writing ability…

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Vincent DiGaetano

…in our campus is night and day. He is an innovator filled with energy and compassion.” This spring he became Principal of the Center for Alternative Learning, 8 schools for

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